About Us

Yellow, white, and purple flowers in a field of prairie grass with our white tiny house in the background


Welcome to TinyHomePeople.com, your go-to destination for all things related to tiny home living and embracing a minimalist lifestyle. Our blog is a passionate endeavor dedicated to providing valuable insights, practical tips, and firsthand experiences about the joys and challenges of living in a tiny house.

And we would only write about such things if we had first-hand experience. Which, we do. We built our own tiny house in Central, Texas, and we have lived the tiny lifestyle for the past 3 years (and counting).

Tiny home living isn't for everybody, and we are well aware of that. None of what you find on this site will sugar-coat the tiny lifestyle; we will be honest about every aspect of living tiny including the upsides and the downsides.

At Tiny Home People (THP), we understand that tiny home living is not just about the size of your living space, but also a mindset that values simplicity, sustainability, and financial freedom. Whether you're already living in a tiny home or considering the transition, our goal is to empower and inspire you to embrace this unique lifestyle choice - assuming it's a good fit for you (full disclosure: it might not be).

What sets us apart from a lot of other sites about tiny living is that we have firsthand experience in the world of tiny home living. We have personally gone through the journey of downsizing, decluttering, and redefining what it means to live a fulfilling life in a smaller space - and we still live in a tiny house today.

We believe that our experiences, knowledge, and creative solutions can be invaluable for anyone exploring the tiny home lifestyle.

Our blog covers a wide range of topics that revolve around tiny home living, from design and organization tips to sustainable practices, financial strategies, and creative ways to maximize small spaces. We aim to address the practical challenges faced by tiny homeowners while also highlighting the numerous advantages, such as reduced environmental impact and a debt-free lifestyle.

As advocates for the tiny house movement, we are committed to promoting the benefits of minimalistic living. We firmly believe that living with less can lead to a richer and more meaningful existence, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – experiences, relationships, and personal growth.

Join us as we explore the intricacies of the tiny home lifestyle, share inspiring stories, and provide expert advice to help you navigate the joys and challenges of living in a tiny house. Connect with our vibrant community and become part of a movement that is shaping the future of sustainable living.

At THP (Tiny Home People), we strive to be your go-to resource for all things tiny home living. We are here to support, educate, and empower you throughout your tiny house journey. Together, let's create a fulfilling, sustainable, and debt-free life through the beauty of tiny home living.

Welcome to the world of tiny home people!